28 April 2021

What Qualifies You To Be A Director?

#Development  #Director  #Reflective  #Business  

In the UK there is no requirement for any formal qualification to act as a director. In fact, there are very few things that prevent you from becoming one.

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3 August 2020

Succession Planning and Business Exit - What Is The Best Solution For You?

#Business  #Development  #Selling A Business  #Succession Planning  #Management Buyout  #Employee Ownership Trust  

Exiting your business as an entrepreneur is a serious and heartfelt task. It will bring on a huge series of mixed emotions, as for most entrepreneurs, it's a once-in-a-lifetime exit.

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1 June 2020

Why It Is Important To Instigate A Robust Risk Management Practice In Your Business

#Business  #Development  #Reflective  

The International Monetary Fund has reported the global economy will contract by 3% this year as countries around the world shrink at the fastest pace in decades.

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14 May 2020

How Crowdfunding Sites Are Helping Businesses Not Only Raise Funds, But Also Build An Instant Fan Base

#Growth  #Development  #Crowdfunding  

Crowdfunding sites are open for business, all 600+ of them and never have they been so busy. With a definite recognition, that these peer lending sites can help with kickstarting the economy, on a worldwide basis.

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15 September 2017

Bored of Board Meetings?

#Board  #Development  #Director  #Reflective  

As a non-executive director chair of multiple companies, I attend at least 50 board meetings a year and have done for years. Many of these meetings are productive and even fun, but not always. This certainly isn't due to lack of enthusiasm or commitment from the members, but at least on some occasions a staleness invades the process.

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6 June 2017

Seeking to challenge yourself? Experience training with a twist...

#Development  #Reflective  #Training  

As a new member of the fds team, I had an understanding of what Jo does and what training services fds has to offer. However, until recently I had to rely on other people’s opinions and course feedback forms to gage what a course with Jo is like. I had a fantastic opportunity to observe Jo in action and I quickly realised why Jo is booked up until 2018!

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11 April 2017

Financial Understanding for The Terrified

#Finance  #Development  

If you are going to start a business, or are looking to become part of an existing business’s senior team, then financial understanding is a must. However, for many business people, novice or otherwise, this can be a terrifying prospect.

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30 March 2017

Ever Wondered How to Be Truly Happy at Work, If You Chose the Right Career Path and How You Could Possibly Earn More Money?

#Staff  #Development  #Reflective  

“Somewhat rightly, most people equate money with security. Having enough money to live on and to pursue and achieve our goals is a goal of just about everybody”- Kathleen Elkins.

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23 February 2017

With Brexit unfolding, focus on the things you can directly control, rather than those you can't!

#Staff  #Development  #Training  #Director  

Unless you sit near a political power house you can only indirectly affect the outcome; closer to home you can make a real difference to your outlook by taking charge of your resources.

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