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The Benefits of a Non-Executive Director

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Building a great board of directors, takes time, energy, a sense of humour, a great nose for sniffing out talent and an innate understanding of when to move people out of the boardroom.

It is essential to understand what a non-executive director could, and should be bringing to the boardroom, whether that's via support, sharing their contacts or their skillset where applicable. In this free guide we share insights such as how much commitment should your NED give you, to how much does one cost and how long should a NED stay in post, plus more.

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The Benefit of Implementing Share Incentive Schemes

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Incentive schemes come in all shapes and sizes and it’s a fact one size does not fit all. This is not just related to company size or ownership structure, but to the nature of the people you are trying to incentivize.

In this resource we highlight the differences and benefits of:

  • Long-Term Incentive Plans (LTIP)
  • Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI)
  • Private Share Options
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Company and Minority Shareholder Valuation Checklist

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There are many reasons to commission a valuation, it could be to prepare for a sale or to assess a potential acquisition, to raise funds or just to give you an idea of how your business is performing. At fds we are instructed to complete many company valuations for clients from a vast range of industries, however, it must be noted that no two valuations are the same and understanding the correct discount for a minority valuation can be a complex task.

This resource demonstrates the use of discounting for minority shareholdings along with information required to produce the valuation.

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fds Free Resource - Pre-Appointment Due Diligence Checklist for Directors

Pre-Appointment Due Diligence Checklist for Directors

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Agreeing to join any company as a director, whether executive or non-executive, should not be a task taken lightly.

Ensuring the company’s values and culture align with your own is an important factor, after all you will be a part of the strategic growth of the business. Jo has outlined a range of questions which should be taken into consideration when discussing/considering the opportunity.

Questions are categorised in the following (although some may not be applicable to all roles):

  • Financials
  • Legal
  • Strategy
  • Operations
  • People
  • Governance
  • Personal
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